Earn Associate Badge
- Complete Service Manager University
Earn Soldier Badge (30 – 80 Days)
- Complete Service Advisor Training
- Watch Visionary Road Map I and II
- Manager outlines Customer Process
- Manager assembles Executive Fixed-Ops Council
- Council Evaluates Team
- Assign roles for Customer Experience
- Greeter, Drive Support personnel, Customer Service Representatives
- Watch and Perform One Hour of Labor
- Perform Exercise Repeatedly
- Format Pay-plans/Set Minimum Requirements
- Pay-Plans: CCI recommends structuring based on Sales
- Gross can be used but results are best in format of Sales
- Minimum Requirements: Minimum Standard for positions in Department
- Advisors Example: Minimum of $X,000 in CP sales, CSI Min standard
- Technician Example: Minimum % of Efficiency (NOT Proficiency)
- Set up Maintenance Menus
- Once you Identified the One Hour Labor Projection Goal
- Use that projection number to format your range in ELR for each maintenance item
- Minimum ELR to start at projection number then go up to 130% of projected ELR Goal
- Example: Projection ELR to achieve 20 – 30% Net to Gross
- Set up Daily Tracking Sheet
- Used to identify performance goals and achievements
- Department Tracking and Goals
- Advisor Tracking and Goals
Earn Capo Badge (80 – 130 days)
- Visionary Roadmap Stage II
- Share Vision and Process format with all Employees
- Execute a plan to launch with your team
- Begin practicing processes
- Service Drive Judo
- Staff and supplies setup
- Greeting process initialized
- Morning Meetings Commence
- Music
- Daily Tracking Sheet
- Games
- Dispatch/Team Structure
- Set 3-4 person Tech Teams per Advisor (or 6 techs per 2 Advisor Team)
- MPI/Health Inspection Process
- Provide format for Multi Point Inspections
- Printed sheet or electronic
- Timed
- Process for maximium efficiency
- Process for Maximum Efficiency
- FF/FE: Fail Fast to Fix Early
- Gamification
- Play Tech Games
- Dice Rolls, Bozo Buckets, Etc.
- Pay out a Dice Roll for every MPI up-sale of $100 – $300
- Play Games once a week
- Best done on Fridays before lunch
- Play Advisor Games
- Jenga, Card Games, Nerf Guns
- Part of Morning Meetings
- Use Maintenance Items as Game Marks
- Split Pots to engage Team play
- Perform Opportunity Reports
- Sample 5 -10 Repair Orders per Advisor
- Use the guideline Items
- Maintenance Menu
- Maintenance Intervals
- Check Document Requirements
- Customer Information
- Signatures
- Goal: Transition from Neglected Items to Declined Items to Sold Items
- Its normal to see 90% + on Neglected Items when first performing this task
- When your team is documenting recommendations, it assists in consistency and retention
- Submit for Signature Coaching Upgrade
Earn Underboss Badge (130 – 180 Days)
- Visionary Roadmap Stage III
- Launch Process
- Attempt, Observe, Review, Adjust, Repeat
- Attempt Full Launch
- Observe the process
- Review the process
- Gather Executive Team and discuss pros and cons of the system
- Make Adjustments
- Modify process and reassign positions to ensure effectiveness
- Repeat Process
- Apply modified Process and Evaluate Success
- Monthly Goals Exercise
- Set Monthly Goals with your Advisors
- Use the sheet provided for you in Advisor Log Books
- Make Advisor fill out their Sheet and make a copy
- Use Sheet as a Reference Tool of Performance for periods of time
- Enter National COMP
- CCI Platform used to evaluate performance among other CCI clients within their groups
- Example: Japanese Imports, American Group, Highline/Luxury Group, Etc
- Tool to identify flaws of performance and create atmosphere of competition
- Must enter numbers bi-weekly (Tuesday/Thursday)
- Ranking released Bi-Weekly
- Top Dog Manager and Top Dog Advisor receives monetary prize and bulldog statue
- Perform Efficiency Analysis
- Time Quick Lube processes
- Identify Key to Key Efficiency
- What’s the throughput rate based on when customer hands over keys and department hands keys back to customer
- Tech Efficiency Goal Setting
- Perform SMART Goal Setting Technique
- Identify Personal Goals each Advisor/technician
- What memorable/Tangible item do they want
- Structure Goals around them achieving their Goals
- Set Timeline to achieve Goal
- Identify NEW One Hour of Labor
- Perform One Hour of Labor Analysis
- Set goal at 30% + Net to Gross
- Reverse Engineer to Identify Goal
- Set $/RO to achieve level of profitability
- Labor Dollars is key to achieve level goal
- Make Adjustments to Pricing
- Achieve at least one of the following:
- Win Manager’s COMP (1 Month)
- Net to Gross within 25% of NADA/CADA Guidelines
- Dealership Service CSI score 1pt above National Average
Elite Level (Submission Qualifiers to be Considered into Elite)
- Must achieve all 3:
- Win Manager’s COMP (1 Month)
- Net to Gross within 25% of NADA/CADA Guidelines
- Dealership Service CSI 1pt above National Average
- Financial and Operations Review by Elite Members
- ELR Analysis Review by Elite Members